Producers in São Paulo are projected to harvest 9.21 million tons of grains in the 2023/2024 crop season. This volume represents a 19.7% decrease compared to the previous cycle. The reduction is attributed to adverse weather conditions, which affected the main crops grown in the state. This information comes from the 8th Grain Survey of the 2023/2024 Harvest, released on Tuesday (14) by the National Supply Company (Conab).
Corn production is expected to decrease by 18.2%, with a total production projection of around 3.9 million tons. The first crop of corn saw a decrease in cultivated area and productivity. Lack of rainfall during the vegetative period and high temperatures were highly detrimental to corn planted during September and the first half of October last year. In addition to enduring a long period of water stress, the intense presence of leafhoppers also negatively impacted the productive potential. Planting of the second crop of corn in the state has been completed, and most areas are in the grain filling stage. Irregular precipitation, coupled with periods of high temperatures, have already compromised development and productive potential.
A similar scenario was encountered for soybeans, the main product sown in São Paulo soil. Soybean crops were impacted by adverse conditions throughout almost the entire crop cycle. Harvesting has been completed, with an average yield of 2,800 kilograms per hectare, 26.06% lower than the last season. Consequently, soybean harvesting is estimated at around 3.7 million tons. Peanuts were also affected by the climate. The cultivated area in the first crop of peanuts was 210,000 hectares, a 10.41% increase compared to the previous season. However, productivity has so far decreased by 29.3% compared to the previous season, mainly due to lack of rainfall and high temperatures, which led to increased pest incidence, also determinants for this decline. Harvesting is in the final stage, and a production of 609,000 tons is expected.
A less prominent crop in the state, but of great importance to the country, rice presented a different scenario compared to other crops, with a record increase in productivity. With the majority being cultivated in irrigated areas, rice production in São Paulo is expected to reach 56.6 thousand tons, an increase of 11.2% compared to last season's volume.