Over 600 registered workers have received authorization to enter the Flota do Trombetas for the 2024 Brazil nut harvest.

The Trombetas State Forest (Flota), located in Pará's western region, opened its doors on Sunday (4) for this endeavor, allowing more than 600 extractivists, previously registered with the Institute for Forestry and Biodiversity Development (Ideflor-Bio), to engage in the activity within the Conservation Unit (CU) for approximately 4 to 6 months.
This initiative not only bolsters the bioeconomy chain but also generates income for numerous families, adding value to products derived from nature. As a Sustainable Use UC, Flota do Trombetas permits this activity, provided it adheres to the rules set by the area's management body.
President Nilson Pinto of Ideflor-Bio emphasizes that this presents a unique opportunity to generate income and strengthen the bioeconomy in Pará. He underscores the importance of conducting the activity responsibly and sustainably to preserve the environment and respect the traditional communities relying on these natural resources for their subsistence.
The Brazil nut collection in Flota do Trombetas starts after the chestnut tree's hedgehog fruit falls between December and January. Extractivists then gather these fallen fruits. Within the UC, the hedgehogs are packed in open areas of the forest, opened to extract the nuts. Each hedgehog, on average, contains 10 to 20 nuts, which undergo a drying process before being packaged and offered for sale.
A positive development for extractivists is the increased price of a bag of nuts this year, reaching R$200.00 compared to R$144.00 in 2023. In Oriximiná's processing plants, the average price of a bag is around R$250.00
Extractor Raquel Sampaio expresses hope for this year's harvest, stressing the importance of health and safety protocols for optimal work conditions.